Friday, February 16, 2007


Family reunions

So, I posted a drunk blog. We've all done's been happening since the beginning of time :-) Anyway, to all of you who have said I sounded sad, it was the margaritas talking, I have bounced back and am my usualy perky self.

We had a family reunion this past weekend. The kids languished in the sun, the first sun we have seen in a while. There was a bouncy bounce, which seems to provide more joy than puppies, oceans and lollipops combined. lucas held his own, quite well, with the older kids bound and determined to demolish his small body into a pulp. He will be quite the tough boy someday, I suppose....despite my best efforts :-)

Rhiannon quickly befriended her distant Iowa cousins, and was the cop to their robber/murderers. Where did I go wrong...a tough guy and a cop? And Morgan was content to hold her friends hand and traipse through the yard, soaking up the compliments of the old folks.

Reunions are funny things. There are many family members that make you think" if i were to meet this person on the street, would i want to know them?" And others that you are so surprised you weren't closer with, considering how very alike your beliefs are, and how similar your noses look.

I enjoyed mine, stress aside. The food was good, the day was beautiful, and the less than savory family, I just disregarded. I will see them maybe once every couple of years, and forget them the rest of the time. That's my right. In the meantime, I will think fondly of this, and feel grateful for these people who all gave my mom the childhood she had.

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